Grow Back Together
Recruiting local residents as tree guardians and planting street trees in areas of high climate risk
Launched 2023
Mayor of London Funded - Grow Back Greener award
Collaboration with Street Trees for Living & London Borough of Lewisham (2022-present)
Sophisticated analysis of the whole Borough identifying candidate vacant tree pits lying within areas of highest climate risk
Innovative pavement marketing campaign – via spray painted QR code nearc vacant tree pits in targeted climate risk areas
Recruited residents expressed interest to look after a tree for 3 years
94 full size street trees planted (83 trees in areas of high climate risk, 11 in medium high risk; 60 trees in areas of only 5-10% canopy cover)
Successfully achieved targets to recruit nearly 100 new Tree Guardians delivering positive impact and now running ongoing active citizen-led tree care programme