Greentalk first to map London Borough of Hackney trees on TreeTalk

Hot on the heels of our recently re-launched website, Greentalk have now publicly mapped all of the London Borough of Hackney street trees in collaboration with Hackney Council.

The new updates include over 33,000 new trees in London, taking the number of trees visible and accessible to the public, to over 880,000 trees!

Read out more and ‘Explore Hackney - London’s Arboretum’ here.

To get more out of TreeTalk, you will need to register. This only takes a minute, and means that you will have your own TreeTalk account. You’ll now be able to create and save your green walking routes, ‘like’ and share the trees on your journeys, plus get access to our tree Eco Facts - giving you more detailed information about specific trees, and trees in the areas that you are interested in…and the good news…it is still free.

Copyright image: Paul Wood


TreeTalk - now with a new look and more trees!