Greentalk partners with Yotta to help councils enhance green asset and tree service offerings

Agreement allows local authorities to respond to citizens quickly and efficiently following  service queries or requests

Leamington Spa, UK – 23 June 2021 – Yotta, the leading global connected asset management and services provider, has partnered with Greentalk, a London-based ecotech start-up, to enable UK councils to better manage their green assets, including trees, and provide an enhanced service to the public in this area, keeping them better informed about the status of service requests. 

The two companies are delivering a combined solution to councils. At the front end, this solution features Greentalk’s online, consumer-facing map-based tools, hosting a wealth of information about trees and enabling users to discover and interact with green infrastructure and view information and imagery about different species of trees.

At the back end, the solution features Yotta’s Alloy connected asset management software, which allows local authorities to schedule and manage tree inspections, action service requests, manage budgets and schedules of work, track the progress of staff or contractors in the field, and prepare strategic management plans. 

The two products will be integrated via an API, enabling data to be entered into the Alloy software by council inspection teams; back-office workers in response to resident requests, or directly by members of the public through web portals, and then updated in real time in Greentalk’s system. Information entered in the Alloy back-end system can be displayed in real time in the Greentalk product in a way that residents can easily interact with and understand.

Rob Tustain, co-founder and director, Greentalk said: “Before we met Yotta we were already looking at the area of data asset management as we saw its potential to enable us to move more strongly into the council and local authority sector. Working with Yotta has added another string to our bow when engaging with prospects in this area.”

Mark Spence, product consultant, Yotta, said: “Working in partnership with Greentalk allows Yotta to significantly strengthen our existing capability in tree and green infrastructure asset management. We believe the partnership can be transformative for councils and their service teams.”

“In the past, tree and woodland officers,” he continued, “have often had to work with very limited budgets to manage what is often a rich and extensive asset base. Embracing the community engagement with citizens that this new partnership supports, allows them to identify issues or areas of concern in a much faster and less resource-intensive way than they could before.”

Moving forwards the two companies plan to extend the scope of their partnership further, potentially using the same approach to look at other environmental points of interest such as electric vehicle charging stations, recycling bins, parks, community gardens and allotments.


About Greentalk

Greentalk is an ecotech startup, utilising powerful technology to connect land managers and their stakeholders to improve the environment for all. Greentalk lets business, government, charities and land managers connect with and empower their stakeholders to drive positive, collaborative environmental change. The company’s licensed product, available in three plans, is an online, consumer-facing map-based tool enabling users to discover and interact with green infrastructure in a pre-defined area of any size from a city park to a whole country. 

Publicly managed trees are mapped and details about each individual tree are accessible. Other green infrastructure such as wildflower gardens and verges, community gardens and orchards, grassed areas and parks may be promoted and made interactive. For more information, please visit

About Yotta

Yotta is a leading, global connected asset management software and services provider. Its vision is to transform the management of the built world to create safer, cleaner and more sustainable places for everyone. 

It empowers organisations to make better, more informed decisions by ensuring its customers’ systems, assets and people are connected, and the data they produce is structured and captured to provide operational, as well as strategic insight. 

Innovation is at the heart of everything Yotta does and data drives the company forward. Yotta understands its customers’ needs and provides them with revolutionary connected asset management solutions, utilising its industry-leading software and consultancy services.

The company’s cloud-based asset management platform, Alloy, equips clients with data visualisation, powerful workflow management tools, enterprise-strength and user-specific capabilities. Connected assets lay the foundation for the future of smart cities and communities, and Yotta’s software and services represent a ‘new era’ of connected asset management.  For more information, please visit the company’s website at


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